Studies continue to show that most employees leave to find sanity elsewhere, and almost half of the employees are considering a move outside of their company this year. Chances are that most employees are not adding their full potential value and your career, company, health, and earnings need a sanity check. Human Resource and business expert Chris Moses provides a road map to create the sanity needed to exceed expectations, fix the insanity of your world, grow your income, increase your organizations value, and provide what you and your team needs, SANITY! Your success and the success of any organization can be traced to the level of sanity exhibited and practiced.

· Leadership through facts, finesse, and fun

· Create your sane environment by stabbing from the front

· Empower your team by cutting the crap that drives them crazy and decreases your value

Free yourself by endorsing sane behavior, building trusting relationships, communicating with facts, kicking out the inhumanity of bad cultures, and winning the game of sanity while inspiring all around you.